15 Easy Ways To Remove Tan From Feet And Legs Quickly

In summer, prolonged sun exposure often leads to suntanned feet and legs, causing the skin to darken and appear uneven when wearing summer clothes or flip-flops. To combat this common issue, several natural remedies can effectively lighten tan and restore the skin's natural tone.

15 Easy Ways To Remove Tan From Feet And Legs Quickly
"Unveil your beautiful skin with these quick tan removal remedies at home"

In summer, we easily get suntanned. College students or teenagers who stay a lot in the sun often face sun tanning as a common problem. Most of the time, we see that the tan is more prominent on the legs and feet since the sun rays fall directly over them. As a result, the feet and legs get darker. Sunned skin looks weird when we wear summer clothes or flip-flops. The tan on the feet and legs doesn’t go away easily due to direct sun exposure, making the darkness a bit difficult to get rid of. As a preventive measure, you should use sunscreen liberally on your legs and feet to prevent suntan. But when you already have suntan on your feet and legs, these home remedies will help you remove the tan from feet and legs faster.

15 Ways to Remove Tan from Feet

  1. Tomato for Tan Removal
  2. Lemon for Tan Removal
  3. Potato for Tan Removal
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar for Tan Removal
  5. Masoor Dal ( Red Lentils ) Pack for Tan Removal
  6. Gram Flour to Remove Tan from Feet
  7. Papaya for Tan Removal
  8. Coconut Milk for Natural Tan Removal
  9. Oatmeal to Remove Tan from Feet
  10. Saffron for Tan Removal
  11. Sandalwood Powder for Tan Removal
  12. Multani Mitti ( Fullers Earth ) for Tan Removal
  13. Almonds Pack for Tan Removal
  14. Cucumber to Remove Tan from Feet
  15. Aloe Vera for Tan Removal.

Read further to know more about these tan removal home remedies in detail.

1. Tomato for Tan Removal

Tomatoes are considered a natural bleach for the skin, known to lighten the darkness. Hence, tomato juice is greatly suggested to remove tan from feet, legs, and even the entire body.


  1. 1 Tomato
  2. 1 Tbsp Sugar


  1. Mix some sugar with tomato juice to make a thick scrub-like consistency.
  2. Rub on the tanned skin and leave for half an hour.
  3. Wash off with cold water.
  4. Repeat this twice a week for better results.

2. Lemon for Tan Removal

Lemon juice is another great remedy to naturally remove tan from the legs. It is also known as a skin bleach.


  1. Lemon Juice
  2. 1 Tbsp Honey


  1. Squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon and add 1 tbsp honey to it.
  2. Rub this paste on the tanned area for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Wash it off with water.
  4. Doing this simple beauty hack twice a week will help lighten the skin.

3. Potato for Tan Removal

Potato has natural antioxidants that protect the skin against sun and environmental damage. It also repairs skin damage due to sun exposure.


  1. 1 Potato


  1. Grate a potato to extract the fresh potato juice.
  2. Use this juice to gently rub on the affected areas where there is tanning.
  3. Wash it after 30 minutes.
  4. This can be kept overnight as well for better results.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar for Tan Removal

This magic ingredient has loads of beauty benefits and can also be used to remove tan off the feet and legs if used consistently.


  1. Apple cider vinegar


  1. Before going to shower, apply some apple cider vinegar on the tanned areas.
  2. Leave it for 20 minutes, then wash it off and complete the shower.
  3. Do this once a week for effective results.

5. Masoor Dal ( Red Lentils ) Pack for Tan Removal

This red lentil protein pack helps to lighten the skin and also to take away sun tanning.


  1. Masoor Dal ( Red lentil ) Powder
  2. 1 Tbsp Honey


  1. Take 1 tablespoonful of Masoor dal powder and mix it with honey to make a paste.
  2. Apply this paste on your legs, feet, and even your hands.
  3. Leave it to dry for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Wash it off by mildly scrubbing the pack off the skin.
  5. This should be done 3 times a week for better results and faster tan removal.

6. Gram Flour to Remove Tan from Feet

Gram flour helps in lightening and brightening the skin and is a tried and trusted remedy to remove tan or any other pigmentation.


  1. 2 Tbsp Gram flour
  2. A pinch of turmeric
  3. 1 Tbsp of raw milk


  1. Mix gram flour, turmeric, and milk well in a bowl to make a thick paste.
  2. Apply the paste to the tanned area and leave it until dry.
  3. Wash off with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer afterward.
  4. Do this thrice a week for the best results.

7. Papaya for Tan Removal

Papaya contains enzymes that help in de-tanning and brightening the skin. It also treats skin ulcers and hence can be very effective in removing tan from feet.


  1. Pulp of raw papaya
  2. 1 Tbsp honey


  1. Mix papaya pulp and honey in a bowl to make a smooth & thick paste.
  2. Apply the paste to the tanned area and let it rest for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Wash off with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer afterward.
  4. Do this twice a week for best results.

8. Coconut Milk for Natural Tan Removal

Coconut milk is highly nourishing and hydrating for the skin. It helps in restoring lost moisture. The vitamin C and the mild acids present in it help in tan removal at home.


  1. Coconut milk


  1. Soak a cotton ball in fresh and organic coconut milk and dab it all over the affected area.
  2. Leave it on till it’s absorbed into the skin or dries completely.
  3. Wash it off with lukewarm water.
  4. Do this daily to get tan-free skin.

9. Oatmeal & Buttermilk to Remove Tan from Feet

Oatmeal has excellent exfoliating and skin-cleansing properties. Buttermilk is rich in lactic acid, which removes tan, softens the skin, and improves skin tone.


  1. Oatmeal
  2. Buttermilk


  1. Soak 2 teaspoons of oats in half a cup of water for about five minutes.
  2. Add 2-3 teaspoons of fresh, plain buttermilk to it and mix well.
  3. Mix these ingredients well to form a paste and then apply it to your face, neck, arms, and other areas affected by tanning.
  4. Rub in a circular motion and let it stay for about 20 minutes.
  5. Wash off to reveal fresh, brighter, and tan-free skin.
  6. Do this once a week to get visibly better results.

10. Saffron for Tan Removal

Saffron (Kesar) is a traditional beauty ingredient found in Indian households. Using saffron is a natural way to get glowing skin. It is also known to improve skin texture, treat ailments like pigmentation, dark circles, pimples, and acne, and lighten darkened skin.


  1. A few strands of saffron
  2. Milk


  1. Soak a few strands of saffron in milk for some time.
  2. Apply the milk to the affected areas.
  3. Keep it for at least 30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
  4. You can do this daily for the best results.

11. Sandalwood Powder for Tan Removal

Sandalwood has soothing and cooling properties that provide relief to the skin damaged by the sun. Turmeric’s healing properties and milk’s exfoliating properties work well together to remove tan.


  1. Sandalwood powder
  2. A pinch of turmeric
  3. Milk


  1. Take 1 tbsp sandalwood powder and mix a pinch of turmeric in it, then add a small amount of milk to make a smooth & thick paste.
  2. Apply that paste to the affected areas and then wait till it gets dry.
  3. Wash off with lukewarm water.
  4. Do this twice a week for the best results.

12. Multani Mitti for Tan Removal

Multani Mitti (also known as Fuller’s Earth) cools and soothes sunburns. It also removes tan and makes your skin radiant.


  1. Multani Mitti
  2. Rose Water


  1. Add rose water to Multani Mitti and make a smooth paste.
  2. You can use chilled rose water for a more soothing effect.
  3. Apply a layer of the paste on the affected areas and let it dry.
  4. Wash off with lukewarm water.
  5. Do this twice a week for the best results.

13. Almonds Pack to Remove Tan from Feet

Almonds are a rich source of Vitamin E, which nourishes the skin and heals it from any sun damage. It also has bleaching properties that help in removing tan.


  1. Almonds
  2. Rose Water
  3. Lemon Juice


  1. Create a paste of almonds by grinding them with rose water.
  2. Squeeze some lemon into the paste prepared by grinding almonds with rose water to increase its effectiveness in removing tan.
  3. Use it as a tan removal scrub on the affected areas.
  4. Apply this thrice a week to get the desired result.

14. Cucumber to Remove Tan from Feet

Cucumber is highly beneficial for tanned and sunburnt skin. It has a

cooling effect and helps remove tan.


  1. 1 Cucumber
  2. Rose Water


  1. Shred a cucumber and squeeze to get the juice out.
  2. Add a small amount of rose water and mix well.
  3. Using a cotton ball, apply the juice all over your skin.
  4. Let it dry and wash off.
  5. You can do this twice a day or once daily if you want the best results.

15. Aloe Vera for Tan Removal

Aloe Vera leaf juice heals and smoothens the skin. It also has a soothing effect and provides relief from suntan and sunburns.


  1. 1 Aloe Vera Leaf


  1. Slit the leaf of the aloe vera plant and scoop out the aloe vera gel with a spoon or a knife.
  2. Apply the aloe vera gel generously on areas affected by tan.
  3. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before washing off.
  4. Do this daily to remove tan from feet and legs.

So girls, here are the best 15 home remedies to remove tan from feet and legs. Above all, you can use any of these home remedies on your face or any other body part as well. They are completely safe and easy to use.

Note:- We still recommend a patch test first on the back of your hand as some people might have highly sensitive skin.

So, what are you all waiting for? Do try them soon and tell us about your experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can tan be removed permanently?
Yes, tan can be removed permanently. It is a myth that suntan is permanent. Our skin can rejuvenate itself and regain its natural color over time. Do try home remedies for tan removal as they are highly effective and safe.

Q2. How long does it take for the tan to go away?
Usually, our skin starts rejuvenating in 7-10 days, but you can boost the process by using effective home remedies to remove tan from feet, legs, face, and other body parts.

Q3. Why is my tan not going away?
There could be many reasons for this:

  1. You might be continuously exposing your skin to the sun, which doesn't allow your skin to heal itself.
  2. There are chances that your cells are damaged by pigment, so in that case, discoloration doesn't go away. Talk to your dermatologist for the same.

Q4. Does exfoliating fade tan?
Yes, exfoliating does fade tan, but only to some extent. You need to provide proper nutrition & nourishment to get the perfect glowing skin.

Q5. Is curd good for removing tan?
Curd with tomato is a good way to treat tan. Blend tomato with 3 tsp of fresh curd. Apply this paste on your tanned areas, and wash off after 30 minutes. Tomato is rich in antioxidants that help in removing tan. The curd will help to soften your skin.

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