The 5 Major Stressors Women Face: Unveiling Gender-Based Challenges

Explore the top five stressors women face, including societal expectations, work-life balance, and gender pay gaps, and how these challenges highlight ongoing gender inequality issues."

The 5 Major Stressors Women Face: Unveiling Gender-Based Challenges

In the modern world we live in, we talk about equality, but is this concept of equality real? Do you really think that women have all the same rights as men? We can have different opinions on this, but there are some facts that no one can deny. These facts highlight the top five things that cause stress for women:

Uneducated People

It’s not the same in every country, but here in India, once a girl is born, everybody just thinks about the responsibilities she carries with her. As she grows up, all those narrow-minded people try to confine her freedom in the name of “keeping her safe.” During her teenage years, this behavior becomes an initial cause of stress in a girl’s mind.

Work-Life Balance

After coming home from the office, a woman is often expected to take care of the household. Research has found that women put in more hours working than men when combining paid work hours and unpaid household hours. This is particularly true when both husband and wife are working. Women struggle more to maintain a work-life balance.

Giving Birth

Giving birth to a child is a divine act, but it is extremely painful as well. A working woman has to take a maternity leave for a significant amount of time. This not only causes mental stress but also requires prolonged bed rest. We are not suggesting that everyone should stop having children, but this is a fact, and many women report that their lives changed after having a baby, either positively or negatively.

Gender Pay Gap

In the corporate world, there is a term known as the “Gender Pay Gap.” This represents a type of financial stress that many working women experience. Various reports have shown that women’s earnings are 17.1% lower than those of men. In small-scale industries, it has become a practice to hire women to save money. Even top Hollywood actresses have reported this issue.

Caring for Others

More than a third of women say that they are concerned about the health and well-being of family members, which is why many women end up becoming homemakers. A WHO (World Health Organization) report indicates that sudden changes in family situations may lead to increased gender inequality.

Whenever we achieve equality between men and women, all of these problems will diminish. And we all know a universal stress reliever for women: shopping. Buying things and looking good gives women confidence and a positive attitude.